Niusha: Persian Interactive Voice Response System

Telephony systems and interactive voice response systems (IVRs) are tasked with giving various services and establish connections between customers and organizations. Niusha is the first Persian smart telephony system that includes services such as voice recognition, speaker authentication, and speech synthesis.

Niusha is available both in VoIP and telephone lines. Using speech processing capabilities can bring about significant improvement in the quality of service in companies and establishments, as well as a considerable drop in costs and time.

Niusha is also a practical solution in facilitating telephony news dispensing. This system can gather all the news of the day, and read them over the phone for users. Callers can announce the specific subject they want to hear about, and its source, and the system will read all the news regarding that subject over the phone, using Ariana’s Persian speech synthesis system.


  • Windows operating system
  • .NET template
  • SOAP protocol support for programmers (use as a module (DLL) for
  • programmers (WCF SOAP)
  • The amount of memory is 1 GB or more (depending on the amount of simultaneous use of identifiers)

Distinguished Features


Facilitating customer contact

Facilitating customer contact, especially for disabled or the elderly


Speaker recognition

Speaker recognition and increased security in telephony systems


Cost reduction

Cost reduction, due to eliminating the need to prepare pre-recorded voices to play


Dynamic notification

Clear informing in automatic telephone systems via Ariana speech synthesis service


Accuracy and Speed

Eliminates complicated menus and speeds up the access to information via Nevisa speech recognition

Niusha Capabilities

  • Speech Recognition module and voice command recognition
  • Text to speech module (Ariana)
  • Speaker recognition by voice (Shenasa)
  • All the conventional capabilities of classis telephony voice response systems, such as voice box, SMS, fax, etc.
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